Collaborative Group Projects are end-of-chapter exercises that help professors engage students in collaborative work with group assignments. Improved conceptual understanding through relevant pedagogy NEW!
These questions appear at the beginning of each chapter, with both question and answer added in appropriate locations within the chapter. Critical Thinking Exercises encourage students to think critically about the scientific process and evaluate whether specific statements they might see in their daily lives meet the rational and objective standards of scientific rigor as outlined by the FLaReS method Falsifiability, Logic, Replicability, Sufficiency.
These items are also assignable in MasteringChemistry with answer specific feedback designed to help students understand the scientific process. Self-Assessment Questions appear in each section as a concept check for students as they progress through the chapter. Chapter Summaries are organized by sections, with key terms highlighted, to remind students of important concepts. Molecular art features illustrations using a two-part visual image: microscopic and macroscopic views help students visualize what is happening on a molecular level.
New to This Edition. Dynamic Study Modules Now assignable, Dynamic Study Modules DSMs enable your students to study on their own and be better prepared to achieve higher scores on their tests. Instructors, you can: Pose a variety of open-ended questions that help your students develop critical thinking skills Monitor responses to find out where students are struggling Use real-time data to adjust your instructional strategy and try other ways of engaging your students during class Manage student interactions by automatically grouping students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning After Class NEW!
Chemistry at Home experiments, assignable in Mastering Chemistry, provide students with safe and interesting activities they can do on their own to observe how chemistry is relevant to their day-to-day lives.
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Since sharing is caring, you should try to do your best to share the DeDRMed version of the ebook if you got it from Amazon or when you're done with the physical book, scan it before reselling it, and upload it so that it will be easier for other people to find the book. How can we determine when the benefits outweigh the risks? One approach, called risk—benefit analysis, involves the estimation of a desirability quotient DQ. A benefit is anything that promotes well-being or has a positive effect.
Benefits may be economic, social, or psychological. A risk is any hazard that leads to loss or injury. Risks and benefits may involve one individual, a group, or society as a whole. Every technological advance has both benefits and risks.
For example, a car provides the benefit of rapid, convenient transportation. But driving a car involves risk—individual risks of injury or death in a traffic accident and societal risks such as pollution and climate change.
Most people consider the benefits of driving a car to outweigh the risks. Weighing the benefits and risks connected with a product is more difficult when considering a group of people. For example, pasteurized low-fat milk is a safe, nutritious beverage for many people of northern European descent. And some are allergic to milk For most people of northern proteins.
But since these problems are relatively uncommon among people of north- European ancestry, milk is a ern European descent, the benefits of milk are large and the risks are small, resulting wholesome food. However, adults of other ethnic backgrounds often are far outweigh its risks. Other ethnic lactose-intolerant, and for them, milk has a small DQ. Thus, milk is not always suit- groups have high rates of lactose able for use in programs to relieve malnutrition.
For these tech- the desirability quotient for milk is nologies the DQ is uncertain. An example is the conversion of coal to liquid fuels. Most much smaller. There are great risks associated with coal conversion, however, including risks to coal-mine workers, air and water pollution, and exposure of conversion plant workers to toxic chemicals. The result, again, is an uncertain DQ and political controversy.
There are yet other problems in risk—benefit analysis. Some technologies benefit one group of people while presenting a risk to another. For example, gold plating and gold wires in computers and other consumer electronics benefit the consumer, providing greater reliability and longer life. But when the devices are scrapped, small-scale attempts to recover the gold often produce serious pollution in the area of recovery.
Difficult political decisions are needed in such cases. Other technologies provide current benefits but present future risks. For exam- ple, although nuclear power now provides useful electricity, improperly stored wastes from nuclear power plants might present hazards for centuries.
Thus, the use of nuclear power is controversial. Science and technology obviously involve both risks and benefits. The deter- mination of benefits is almost entirely a social judgment.
Although risk assessment also involves social and personal decisions, it can often be greatly aided by scien- tific investigation. Understanding the chemistry behind many of the technological advancements will help you make a more accurate risk—benefit analysis for you, your family, your community, and the world. For example, heroin is a legal prescription drug in the United Kingdom.
People can become addicted to heroin with continued use in as little as three days, and recreational use often renders addicts unable to function in society. Do a risk— benefit analysis of the use of heroin in treating the pain of a a young athlete with a broken leg and b a terminally ill cancer patient. Solution a. The heroin would provide the benefit of pain relief, but its use for such purposes has been judged to be too risky by the U.
Food and Drug Administration. The DQ is low. The heroin would provide the benefit of pain relief. The risk of addiction in a dying person is irrelevant. Heroin is banned for any purpose in the United States.
The DQ is uncertain. Both answers involve judgments that are not clearly scientific; people can differ in their assessments of each. It is highly dangerous to some individuals, however, causing fatal aplastic anemia in about 1 in 30, people. Do a risk—benefit analy- sis of administering chloramphenicol to a sick farm animals, whose milk or meat might contain residues of the drug, and b a person with Rocky Mountain spotted fever facing a high probability of death or permanent disability.
It was found to be a teratogen, a substance that causes birth defects, and it was removed from the market after children in Europe whose mothers took it during pregnancy were born with deformed limbs. Do a risk—benefit analysis of prescribing thalidomide to a all women and b women with AIDS. Risks of Death Our perception of risk often differs from the actual risk the risk of an automobile trip.
The odds of dying from we face. Some people fear flying but readily assume various causes are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Cigarettes 0. Peanut butter aflatoxin 0. Lifetime odds of dying of a specific cause are calculated by dividing the one-year odds by the life expectancy of a person born in that year. Science is a unified whole. Common scientific laws apply everywhere and on all levels of organization. The various areas of science interact and support one another. Accordingly, chemistry is not only useful in itself but also fundamental to other scientific disciplines.
The application of chemical principles has revolution- ized biology and medicine, has provided materials for powerful computers used in mathematics, and has profoundly influenced other fields such as psychology.
The social goals of better health, nutrition, and housing are dependent to a large extent on the knowledge and techniques of chemists. Recycling of basic materials—paper, glass, and metals—involves chemical processes.
Botany Electronics. Chemistry is indeed a central science Figure 1. There is no area of our daily lives that is not affected by chemistry. Many modern materials have been developed by chemists, and even more amazing materials are in the works. Chemistry is also important to the economy of industrial nations. In the United States, the chemical industry makes thousands of consumer products, including personal-care products, agricultural products, plastics, coatings, soaps, and deter- gents.
The U. Despite widespread fear of chemicals, workers in the chemical industry are five times safer than the average worker in the U. Chemistry is called the central science because 1. Our perception of risk is a. Midwest a. Among the following, the highest risk of death see Table 1. Chemistry is a powerful force in shaping society today. Chemical research not only plays a pivotal role in other sciences, but it also has a profound influence on society as a whole.
Chemists, like other scientists, do one of two categories of research: applied research or basic research. Applied Research Some chemists test polluted soil, air, and water. Others analyze foods, fuels, cosmet- ics, detergents, and drugs. Still others synthesize new substances for use as drugs or pesticides or formulate plastics for new applications. These activities are examples of applied research—work oriented toward the solution of a particular problem in an industry or the environment.
Among the most monumental accomplishments in applied research were those of George Washington Carver. A botanist and agricultural chem- ist, Carver taught and did research at Tuskegee Institute. Carver also his laboratory at Tuskegee Institute. Basic Research: The Search for Knowledge Many chemists are involved in basic research, the search for knowledge for its own sake. Some chemists work out the fine points of atomic and molecular structure.
Others measure the intricate energy changes that accompany complex chemical reactions. Some synthesize new compounds and determine their properties. Done 4. Why do scientists for the sheer joy of unraveling the secrets of nature and discovering order in our bother with studies universe, basic research is characterized by the absence of any predictable, market- that have no immediate able product. Far from it!
Find- The results of basic research may ings from basic research often are applied at a later time. This may be the hope, but not have an immediate practical it is not the main goal of the researcher. In fact, most of our modern technology is use. However, basic research based on results obtained in basic research. Without this base of factual information, extends our understanding of the technological innovation would be haphazard and slow.
The ultimate aim And basic research often finds of such research is usually profit for the stockholders. Basic research is conducted a practical application.
For mainly at universities and research institutes. Most support for this research comes example, zone refining is a from federal and state governments and foundations, although some larger indus- method developed in the early tries also support it.
It had fare is the work of Gertrude Elion and George Hitchings, who in the s and little practical application until s studied compounds called purines in an attempt to understand their role in the advent of integrated circuits. This basic research at Burroughs Wellcome Research Labo- Zone refining is now used to ratories in North Carolina led to the discovery of a number of valuable new drugs produce the ultrapure silicon that facilitate organ transplants and treat various diseases such as gout, malaria, needed for every electronic herpes, and cancer.
Another example involves the work of two physicists. In the s, Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach of Germany determined that certain atomic nuclei Chapter 3 have a property called spin, which causes these nuclei to act as tiny magnets. Isidor Isaac Rabi at Columbia University later developed a method for recording the mag- netic properties of atomic nuclei.
For their basic research in studying and measuring these minuscule magnetic fields, Stern and Rabi won the Nobel Prize in Physics in and , respectively. In the s, teams led by Edward M. Purcell and Felix Bloch used nuclear spins to work out the structure of complicated molecules.
Their technique, called nuclear magnetic resonance NMR , has become a major tool of chemists for determining molecular structure. Purcell and Bloch shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in for their research. Still later, in the s, Paul Lauterbur, Peter Mansfield, and other scientists applied the principles of NMR to performing scans of the human body. This noninvasive diagnostic technique, called magnetic resonance imaging MRI , has replaced many exploratory surgical operations and made other surgical procedures much more precise.
One is substantial: The theoretical physics of yesterday is the nuclear defense of today; the obscure synthetic chemistry of yesterday is curing disease today. The other reason is cultural. The essence of our civilization is to explore and analyze the nature of man and his surroundings.
Her work has led to many applications in pharmaceuticals and medicine. Many important modern applications started out with basic research. A chemist develops a better, longer lasting, pain reliever. A researcher investigates the responses a plant has to drought conditions. A scientist seeks to extract biologically active compounds from sea sponges. Scientists create rBST to improve milk production in cows. Answers: 1, b; 2, a; 3, a; 4, b. As we have noted, chemistry is often defined as the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
Because the entire physical universe is made up of matter and energy, the field of chemistry extends from atoms to stars, from rocks to living organisms. Matter is the stuff that makes up all material things. It is anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter has mass. You can weigh it. Wood, sand, water, air, and people have mass and are, therefore, matter. Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter that an object contains. The greater the mass of an object, the more difficult it is to change its velocity.
Young leaps from the lunar surface, nonball of that size moving at the same speed. A cannonball has more mass than a where gravity pulls at him with only tennis ball of equal size. The mass of an object does not vary with location. An astronaut has the same Q: If an astronaut has a mass of mass on the moon as on Earth.
In contrast, weight measures a force. On Earth, 72 kg, what would be his mass it measures the force of attraction between our planet and the mass in question. If an astronaut On the moon, where gravity is one-sixth that on Earth, an astronaut weighs only weighs lb on Earth, what one-sixth as much as on Earth Figure 1.
Weight varies with gravity. Mass would he weigh on the moon? The quantity of matter has not changed. The person would weigh only 0. Physical and Chemical Properties We can use our knowledge of chemistry to change matter to make it more useful. Chemists can change crude oil into gasoline, plastics, pesticides, drugs, detergents, and thousands of other products.
Changes in matter are accompanied by changes in energy. Often, we change matter to extract part of its energy. For example, we burn gasoline to get energy to propel our automobiles. To distinguish between samples of matter, we can compare their properties Figure 1. A physical property of a substance is a characteristic or behavior that. Copper left , obtained as pellets, can be hammered into thin foil or drawn into wire. Iodine right consists of brittle gray crystals that crumble into a powder when struck.
Q: What additional physical properties of copper and iodine are apparent from the photographs? Mass A nickel weighs 5 g. A penny weighs 2. Color Sulfur is yellow. Bromine is reddish-brown. Taste Acids are sour. Bases are bitter. Odor Benzyl acetate smells like jasmine. Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs. Ethyl alcohol boils at Hardness Diamond is exceptionally hard. Sodium metal is soft. Density 1. Carbon burns combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. Silver tarnishes combines with sulfur to form silver sulfide.
Nitroglycerin explodes decomposes to produce a mixture of gases. Carbon monoxide is toxic combines with hemoglobin, causing anoxia. Neon is inert does not react with anything. Color, odor, and hardness are physical properties Table 1. A chemical property describes how a substance reacts with other types of matter—how its basic building blocks can change Table 1. A physical change involves an alteration in the physical appearance of matter without changing its chemical identity or composition.
An ice cube can melt to form a liquid, but it is still water. Melting is a physical change, and the temperature at which it occurs—the melting point—is a physical property. A chemical change involves a change in the chemical identity of matter into other substances that are chemically different. In exhibiting a chemical property, matter undergoes a chemical change.
At least one substance in the original matter is replaced by one or more new substances. Iron metal reacts with oxygen from the air to form rust iron oxide. When sulfur burns in air, sulfur, which is made up of one type of atom, and oxygen from air , which is made up of another type of atom, combine to form sulfur dioxide, which is made up of molecules that have sulfur and oxygen atoms in the ratio A molecule is a group of atoms bound together as a single unit.
It is difficult at times to determine whether a change is physical or chemical. We can decide, though, on the basis of what happens to the composition or structure of the matter involved as well as the reversibility of the change. Physical changes are usually reversible while chemical changes are not.
Composition refers to the types of atoms that are present and their relative proportions, and structure refers to the arrangement of those atoms with respect to one another or in space.
A chemical change results in a change in composition or structure, whereas a physical change does not. You trim your fingernails. Lemon juice converts milk to curds and whey. Molten aluminum is poured into a mold, where it solidifies. Sodium chloride table salt is broken down into sodium metal and chlorine gas. Solution We examine each change and determine whether there has been a change in composition or structure. Physical change: The composition of a fingernail is not changed by cutting.
Chemical change: The compositions of curds and whey are different from the composition of milk. Physical change: Whether it is solid or liquid, aluminum is the same substance with the same composition. Chemical change: New substances, sodium and chlorine, are formed. A steel wrench left out in the rain becomes rusty.
A stick of butter melts. Charcoal briquettes are burned. Peppercorns are ground into flakes. Creating solid ice from liquid water involves 1. Which of the following is not an example of matter?
Which of the following is an example of matter? Which of the following is a chemical property? Two identical items are taken from Earth to Mars, where they have c.
Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A cake is baked from flour, baking powder, sugar, eggs, d. Milk left outside a refrigerator overnight turns sour.
What kind of change alters the identity of a material. Sheep are sheared, and the wool is spun into yarn. Spiders eat flies and make silk. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
The other 3 do not change the identity a. An egg is broken and poured into an eggnog mix. A tree is pruned, shortening some branches. Bending glass tubing in a hot flame involves c. A tree is watered and fertilized, and it grows larger. Frost forms on a cold windowpane. In this section, we examine three of the many ways of classifying matter.
First, we look at the physical forms or states of matter. The States of Matter There are three familiar states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas Figure 1. They can be classified by bulk properties a macro view or by arrangement of the par- ticles that comprise them a molecular, or micro, view. A solid object maintains its shape and volume regardless of its location. A liquid occupies a definite volume but assumes the shape of the portion of a container that it occupies. If you have milliliters mL of a soft drink, you have mL whether the soft drink is in a can, in a bottle, or, through a mishap, on the floor—which demonstrates another property of liquids.
Unlike solids, liquids flow readily. A gas maintains neither shape nor volume. It expands to fill completely whatever container it occupies. Gases flow and are easily compressed. For example, enough air for many minutes of breathing can be compressed into a steel tank for SCUBA diving. Solid Liquid Gas. In solids, the particles are close together and in fixed positions. In liquids, the particles are close together, but they are free to move about. In gases, the particles are far apart and are in rapid random motion.
Q: Based on this figure, why does a quart of water vapor weigh so much less than a quart of liquid water? Bulk properties of solids, liquids, and gases are explained using the kinetic- molecular theory. We discuss the states of matter in more detail in Chapter 5. Substances and Mixtures Matter can be either pure or mixed Figure 1. Pure matter is considered to be a substance, defined as having a definite, or fixed, composition that does not vary from one sample to another.
Pure gold karat gold consists entirely of gold atoms. It is a substance. All samples of pure water are comprised of molecules consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water is a substance. The composition of a mixture of two or more substances is variable.
The substances retain their identities. They do not change chemically; they simply mix. Mixtures can be separated by physical means. Mixtures can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. All parts of a homogeneous mixture have the same composition Section 6. A solution of salt in water is a homogeneous mixture. Mastering Chemistry from Pearson is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students before, during, and after class with powerful content.
Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics. Students can further master concepts after class through traditional and adaptive homework assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback.
The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions.
Chemistry for Changing Time s, 14th Edition is also available via Pearson eText , a simple-to-use, mobile, personalized reading experience that lets instructors connect with and motivate students — right in their eTextbook.