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Joined: Dec 8, Messages: 7 Likes Received: 0. Joined: May 13, Messages: 29, Likes Received: 1, TeacherGroupie , Dec 9, Dec 9, Thanks TeacherGroupie for giving me that information. Dec 9, The best use of the breakdown, actually, is in helping the test taker who didn't succeed to figure out how to do better next time. Dec 12, Well done, denice25! Make sure you reward yourself for YOUR accomplishment - on tests, it really is the case that the Lord helps those who have helped themselves.

TeacherGroupie , Dec 12, Joined: Jan 10, Messages: 2 Likes Received: 0. Want2teachTX , Jan 10, Joined: Jan 18, Messages: Likes Received: 0. Jan 18, Hello guys. I take the test in a few days, and I have no doubt I'll pass! BUT, are there really questions?!

I have a hard time keeping my concentration for hours at a time. I know the time varies, but how long does the test generally take to complete? Is there a time limit? There's a description of your test, and I would expect the number of questions and the duration of testing time to be specified either in the study guide document or perhaps on a page that describes test formats more generally.

TeacherGroupie , Jan 18, Jan 18, Yeah, I couldn't find much besides registration dates, and lots of payment info. Jan 18, On page 36 of the preparation manual for EC-4 Generalist: "The Generalist EC—4 test is designed to include scorable multiple-choice items and approximately 10 nonscorable items. Your final scaled score will be based only on scorable items. I don't see evidence that you have to stay all five hours. It should be straightforward to work out how much time you should allow per question.

Jan 18, Thanks much! Joined: Feb 28, Messages: 4, Likes Received: 5. Tasha , Jan 18, Apr 3, Sounds like you've got a good rhythm going, williacd. TeacherGroupie , Apr 3, Joined: Apr 4, Messages: 9 Likes Received: 0. Apr 6, TeXes I just took the content..

I have already signed up for another test just in case. Apr 6, That's a tough call. The lowest I've seen recently on these test has been 63 I think as passing. Depends on how the questions are evaluated.

In a couple of days you should get an e-mail with the unoffical scores from TExES. Good luck. Teachling , Apr 6, Apr 6, Thanks! I have a feeling that I am going to need a little more than a miracle though! Apr 8, Hello.. I did not pass the Content part I ended up with a I take it again on the 19th. Is this test the same as the last in that some of the questions are weighted? If so does that look like a passing score? Teachling , Apr 8, TeacherGroupie , Apr 8, Apr 8, The unofficial report posted that i did not pass.

The reason I can retake the test is because the first time I took it over the computer and the second time I am taking it Paper Based. Apr 8, ah, interesting.

I didn't know you could do that. Did you say you didn't past the PPR as well? You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account?

No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? Members Online Now miss-m Total: members: 2, guests: , robots: The Texas Student Data System TSDS , a major initiative by the Texas Education Agency, is a new statewide system that modernizes and improves the quality of data collection, management, and reporting in Texas education.

The data is stored in a central repository the Operational Data Store , where it can be used for PEIMS, the data collections in the Core application, and any future collections. Meanwhile, the Unique ID module manages student and staff IDs, ensuring that each person has only one identity in the system and that data matches up correctly throughout TSDS. Download this Quickstart Guide for handy primer on using the new feature.

Many other resources have helped others pass these exams: Review basic background information from your own high school and early college experience. Take upper level, 8th - 12th grade to assure your content knowledge, and then explore the 3rd - 6th grade tests to familiarize yourself with the grade level competencies you will teach and be tested over. Find the textbooks and notes from all of your education courses to study.

Rosado, Luis. ISBN


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