The Akka Microkernel is included in the Akka download found at downloads. To run an application with the microkernel you need to create a Bootable class that handles the startup and shutdown the application. An example is included below. Put your application jar in the deploy directory to have it automatically loaded.
To start the kernel use the scripts in the bin directory, passing the boot classes for your application. Maven Repository: com. NET It will download files and report its progress to other Actors I'll go through all details but might skim over some of the basics of Akka. NuGet Gallery Akka. FSharp 1. FSharp --version 1.
FSharp, 1. This is an example of a complete sbt build file:. Akka is Open Source and available under the Apache 2 License. ActorRef ; import akka. UntypedActor ; import akka. ActorSystem ; import akka.
Consists of several akka-based logback utilities, including ActorAppender, HoptoadActorAppender and Logstash redis appender. Logback-android by Tony Trinh. Logback-Android brings the power of Logback to Android.