You need to produce the bank statements from one of your bank accounts for the immigration officer to verify. Answer the question as applicable.
If you have taken any loans in the past, you have to disclose it to the immigration officer with the required documents. Answer this question with the correct details. You need to explain the immigration officer the exact roles and responsibilities in your current employment.
You need to provide a letter of recommendation from your current employer to the immigration officer. Answer this question with the appropriate details. You will need to give the salary slip as proof to the immigration officer. This is a question that you need to answer very carefully with the logical reasons. Be honest as to why you want to pursue higher studies even though you are well settled in your job. Are you taking a loan to support yourself financially during the period you pursue higher studies in the United States?
If you are applying for loan, say yes. Provide the details of the loan such as its term and the interest rate etc. The immigration officer wants to know the details of your stay during the time you will study in the United States. This is a crucial question which you need to give an appropriate answer to. List all the reasons as to why you are pursuing higher studies in the United States.
Try to convince the immigration officer with your desire and determination. Give clear and concise answers and do not try to confuse the immigration officer.
Any interview starts from the moment you come face to face with your interviewer. And the first impression is often ascertained by your dress. So before the D-Day, think about your wardrobe carefully and keep the following things in mind. If you are looking to study in Canada, visit the Canadian Consulate in your home country to apply for a study permit. You can also apply for a study permit online.
This will also be helpful in your future studies. S before? Answer Yes or No. Again, its good to do a little research on your university, course, and professors. I feel this is a great opportunity for me to learn from these professors. Wanted to get global exposure. What are your plans after graduation? Never mention: I want to stay in the US and look for a Job. You can answer as following: Will come back and take up a job, my degree will help me stand out, and it will be easy for me to get a job here.
How many admits did you get? Which universities? Why is your score low if you have a low score? You can answer as following: For example: My undergraduate course was very heavy for the final 2 years, so I found it hard to focus on Gre.
This affected my preparation. Who is sponsoring you? Answer truthfully. What is your income If you are working? How much money will they be providing you with? Your bank statement shows that all the entries have been made recently. Where did these funds come from suddenly? Why does your passbook have only 1 page filled?
Is this a new account? Be honest; You can tell this is the first time you are traveling abroad. What is your tuition fee of the University you want to join?
What about your living expenses and accommodation fee? Do you have relatives in the U. Where is your University located? How will you reach there? What about your accommodation?
Do you plan to work in the U. S while you study, may be on-campus? You can answer as following: I am not keen on an on-campus job. How many members of your family? What do they do? So how come you decided to become an Engineer? Considering the current U. S economy, why do you want to go there? Most applicants like you turn out to be potential immigrants.
What about you? Do you plan to come back to India once you finish your course? Tell me about your grades in your undergraduate course in India? Answer : You are legally allowed to work for 20 hours on-campus. You are not allowed to work off-campus. I am not keen on an on-campus job. I want to focus on my course work. I would like to try for a TA or GA.
Answer : You can mention what you like about engineering and people who inspired you do become an engineer. Considering The Current U. I apply what I have learned here in India. What About You? Answer : Yes, there is a huge shortage of skilled labor here in India. There are plenty of well-paying opportunities here for my qualifications.
My entire family is here; I would most definitely come back. Answer : I have enough money to cover my course fee and living expenses. Answer : Be confident. There is nothing to be scared off. If they ask you this question, you can answer as follows: No, Officer I am not scared or nervous.
Answer : Yes, the are very supportive. They feel it will be a great experience and I can learn a lot. Answer : They have great universities, some of the best research is done here. The best place to study. Answer : No, English was taught to me since I was 5 years old. All my courses are in English. I also scored well in my Toefl. Answer : I came across several websites, but since U. Answer : Do your research.
Check which jobs you are qualified to get. What Salary Will You Get? Answer : Mention a good salary, say of But In U. Answer : No, opportunities in India are equally good.
I will be qualified to get a well-paying job here. My entire family is settled here. My primary focus will be my course. This will take up most of my time. I might travel a bit during the seem breaks. Popular Interview Questions. All Interview Questions. All Practice Tests. IT Skills.