Go over to the rabbit and you will be shut inside the room. Notice there are 5 cards around the room, labelled Look at the 5 cards again and note they all show a number and a direction. Pick up the wrench from the table and a carrot from the pile on the left. Achievement: Give the robot rabbit in the alternative reality three carrots. Press the blue button on the elevator door and take the battery that appears. Examine the panel on the back wall and use your wrench to remove the two bolts.
Insert your battery, then back out. Turn the large wheel on the wall, then press the blue button on the elevator door again. Examine the hatch, then turn the dial according to the numbered cards you found in the room below: right 8, right 5, left 8, right 6, left 9 Climb down the ladder and press the blue button on the wall to be surprised by Itward. Open the present in your inventory. After the commotion, climb back up the ladder.
Pull the lever on the side of the pump, then collect water in your bucket. Go back down and through to the engine room. Use your bucket of water on the Kamala. Go back to Itward to tell him the Kamala is gone. Walk into the background on the left, then go left along the street. Try to open the door, but you need a key. Search under each of the 3 pots on the left, then click on the plant on the right and Mr Midnight will climb inside.
Click on the door again, then talk to Dr Deern. Talk to him and read his documents. Enter the cemetery and talk to him again. Achievement: Use your matches to light the candles at the grave. Continue right to find a wooden door. Try to open it but it's locked. Go back to the car to pick up the crowbar then use it to pry open the door a bit. Talk to Sebastian. Go back to the car and look inside, then use your knife on the seat to get some leather. Return to Sebastian and give him the leather.
Return left and Dr Deern will have found some shovels. Use the shovel to dig up the grave, then use your crowbar to open all 3 coffins. Talk to Dr Deern again and follow him back out of the cemetery. Click on Fran in the bed to enter the Ultrareality. As little Fran, open the closet and take the box of keys. Use this on the chains, then try each of the keys until you find the correct one.
As big Fran again, open the closet. Also pick up the water balloons and the school case , then back out of the closet. Next look at the doll house. Take the piano, then move the pinecone and the pocket watch to the right. Lift the wallpaper a little, then use your knife on the wallpaper and take the key that is revealed. Now in your inventory, read Palontras' riddle. Examine the cat doll in your inventory, then open its chest to reveal a lock. Open this with Palontras' key, then go out through the door.
In the hallway, take the key from the small table, then use this to open door Use your other key to open door , then head through this door. Talk to Okhula the eye. Slide the blue switch on the pillar down, then take one of the light bulbs from the pillar on the other side of the room. Also pick up the hair brush from the dressing table. Pull the rope to the left to reveal a painting. Climb through to a new area and pick up the black wire and the bottle.
Next examine the monkey machine - requires a button - Go back to room and click on the closet, examine the dresses and use your knife to remove the button from the 3rd dress. Go back to the monkey machine and Insert your button. Then turn the crank and take some pliers. Next go through door Use your pliers on the skull on the wall, then take another key. Head left and pick up the soap.
Turn on the tap and use your water balloons on the running water to fill them up. While you are here, fill your bottle with water as well. Return to the hallway, then go through door Look out the window and use the water balloons on the Kamala - you will end up getting a stick. Go back inside and out to the hallway, then use your new key on door and head through.
Open the hatch on the back of the large cat. Use your knife to remove the alarm clock from around its neck. Pull the lever, then go across and take the glove from the tree. Enter the golden elevator and press the button to go up. Use your hair brush on the spirit. Now use your stick to get another key. Go back down and return to the hallway. Use your new key on door and go through. Use your Ekog clock on Mabuka twice. After the conversation, climb down the ladder. Press the button on the wall and take a number , then head left.
Show your ticket to the tall white patient and offer to trade. Return to the hallway and enter room Talk to Okhula about your patient trouble and you will end up with a flask of tears. Go back through room and down the ladder, then to the left. Give the flask of tears to the tall white patient.
Return right and show your new number to the nurse - you will get an emergency card. Use the phone and dial the number on the emergency card. Go back down and talk to the nurse once more, then head through the doors to the right. After the conversation, go through the door at the end of the hall. Don't use the syringe yet! Achievement: Use the lever to the left of Dr Deem and electrocute him three times.
Achievement: Close the door and click on the photograph on the wall. Pick up the syringe from the table and use it on Dr Deern. Head left to conclude the story. Achievement: Final Note. MachineGod 14 Oct am. Last Train Home. Recommended games. Once Upon a Coma.
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Keep Out is a real horror, where the creepy levels filled Keep Out 5. Fran Bow is a unique game, as it is an ideal combination of the best representatives of classic quests and atmospheric Your laptop is very much capable of running the game otherwise.. Originally posted by Bladderbloat :. Originally posted by ploytanomsub :. Last edited by Brian Monday ; 26 Feb, pm.
Thank you for your help. I deleted the 'steamapi. But it still show 'running' then 'sync.. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 26 Feb, am. Posts: 7. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.