You would have the opportunity to download individual files on the "Thank you for downloading" page after completing your download. Files larger than 1 GB may take much longer to download and might not download correctly. You might not be able to pause the active downloads or resume downloads that have failed.
Whether you manage a single Web server or many, the prescriptive, task-based, and scenario-based guidance in this book will help you effectively plan, deploy, operate, and troubleshoot your IIS 6. Details Note: There are multiple files available for this download.
Once you click on the "Download" button, you will be prompted to select the files you need. File Name:. Monday, October 19, AM. User posted Fair enough I didn't realise it had been so long but it is still in the infancy of this OS. Monday, October 19, PM. Thursday, October 22, PM. User posted Hi, We have migrated a website running on windows servers to servers running Windows R2 64bits today and we have exactly the same problem.
Lionel Schiepers. User posted I hope it will take less time than apple to resolve the guest account problem that wipe all your profile data Monday, October 26, AM. User posted All well and good, at least now I understand what the problem is.. Did tech support also mention how they were going to fix it? User posted Adobe was finally able to recreate the problem on Friday, and they are supposed to be working on it.
Hello everybody, Too tired to try it today but this article seems interesting to publish PDF file via a selfmade httphandler. Tuesday, October 27, PM. User posted So in the case of IIS7. User posted That's like me asking your for blue paint, and you give me red paint and argue that it is perfect red paint. Friday, October 30, PM. This is regards Adobe's side of the problem: "Great news from Adobe! User posted Would you be so kind to share your code with us please?
Saturday, October 31, PM. User posted We would love to get the httpHandler if someone else has already developed it. Thursday, November 5, PM. User posted No, it is not possible to disable byte-range processing for files served by the static file handler. User posted Am I right in understanding that we are supposed to pay a couple hundred dollars to open a support ticket with Microsoft so that they are convinced that this is a serious issue?
Friday, November 6, AM. User posted We could maybe start spreading the word and make people around the world aware that they should not upgrade.
User posted You do not have to open a support case to get the fix - the fix is already being worked on. Friday, November 6, PM. User posted You were saying in a previous post that adobe admited that it was a bug on their side in adobe reader.
Anil, despit this problem, I appreciate your rapid feedback. User posted In reply to Peter, I have already posted a message on 25 different forums yesterday ;- Sometimes on threads releated to this problem. User posted please add me to the list of people complaining about this. This was working on previous versions of windows server so it makes no sense at all that MS would change it to the point of breaking functionality.
Has anyone already come across a fix for this that works? Tuesday, November 10, PM. User posted Has anyone gotten this working using the suggested fix from the dotnetslakers article? Wednesday, November 11, PM. User posted its integrated mode. User posted I have also migrated from server to r2 Over the week end and had the same problem User posted merk, I wasn't able to get the dotnetslackers one to work either the pdf files still seemed to have the issue.
Web Imports System. TransmitFile strFile context. User posted sk - thanks for posting that. So you just compiled that into a dll, dropped in the bin folder and edited the web.
I'll give this a try and let you know if it resolved it. Thursday, November 12, AM. User posted a very big thanks. I just tried this out and it seems to be working for me as well. Thank you very much. User posted Anyone mind layout out a few procedures on how to implement this properly? I'm having a few issues, and I'm also uncertain if this fix only works within ASP applications or if you can attribute it server-wide? User posted I haven't been able to get it working. Translated the code to C like this: using System; using System.
Thursday, November 12, PM. User posted namtab00, just a quick thought User posted if anyone wants, I'll post the dll that i compiled from sk's code. Then all you have to do is drop it in your websites BIN folder and make the appropriate entry in the web.
I'm going to try adding it to the server as a whole in a little while so that i dont have to do it on a site by site basis. User posted Of course I set the web. User posted merk, let me know if you find a way to add it server wide. User posted Yeah I would love to see get the compiled DLL, it would sure save some time!
User posted I was able to get this to work server wide. User posted how do you add it to the GAC? I thought we use gacutil to do that but i could not find that in the framework folder. User posted I didn't think that would work - i thought you had to do something to actually register the dll. I guess i can give that a try when i get home.
User posted I just removed it from my GAC then dragged and dropped the dll from the source location into the assembly folder and it showed it back in the list of assemblies in the GAC. User posted wow - who would have thought the easiest and most obvious way of adding it to the GAC would actually work : thanks. User posted I dunno what kind of GAC you kids have, but mine accepts only strongly named assemblies Are we all using the latest 9.
Friday, November 13, AM. User posted Not sure about the dll merk posted but I compiled my own using the code I posted and signed it and put her in the GAC and worked fine. User posted I am running Adobe Reader 9. User posted Yep User posted I don't have the files on this computer or I'd upload. User posted I just had one of my developers create a strongly named assembly. That is it! Tested and it works like a champ! Good luck with that one.
User posted Here is the modified code of the dotnet slackers that I got working to resolve multi byte request: There were a few issues with the original code. Generic; using System. Specialized; using System. Linq; using System. Cryptography; using System. Text; using System. Web; namespace Water. PhysicalPath return new FileInfo context. GetBytes string. Concat requestedFile. FullName, " " , requestedFile. LastWriteTimeUtc ; return Convert.
Clear ; context. ClearHeaders ; context. GetRequestedFileInfo context ; this. GetRequestedFileEntityTag context ; this. Response; Response. Length, this. TransmitFile this.
FullName ; Response. Flush ; context. End ; HttpContext. CompleteRequest ; WaterContext. ToString , this. Seek this. StartRangeBytes[i], SeekOrigin. ToString ; Response. Read buffer, 0, this. Length : bytesToReadRemaining ; Response.
BufferSize]; Response. IsMultipartRequest Response. IsNullOrEmpty Request. Empty ; if string. Split ",". ToCharArray ; this. Length]; this. Split "-". ToCharArray ; if string. Parse currentRange[END] ; if string. Length - 1 - this. EndRangeBytes[i]; this. Add name, value ; Response. Response; if! Response; if this. Length - 1 this.
Empty ; if! Year, requestedFileModifiedDate. Month, requestedFileModifiedDate. Day, requestedFileModifiedDate.
Hour, requestedFileModifiedDate. Minute, requestedFileModifiedDate. Second ; if ifUnmodifiedSinceDate! InternalRequestedFileEntityTag ; if this.
User posted Can someone confirm having the same issue on IIS7. Friday, November 13, PM. User posted apologies that the dll i posted didn't work. I had not tried adding it to the GAC when i posted that. I had only added it to a single site, which did work. To me it sounds more like an issue with your PC then the server.
Monday, November 16, AM. Monday, November 16, PM. User posted Come on Microsoft, When will you say " yes we can User posted Has anyone made any progress on this? ClearContent context. ClearHeaders 'context. ToString context. WriteFile strFile context. End 'context. CompleteRequest context. Thursday, November 19, PM. User posted I have exactly the same problem Monday, November 30, AM. User posted Can any of you out there having this issue be really gentle and try serving a.
User posted I seem to have no problems serving. User posted I know what you're about to read will probably seem impossible, but still hear me out NET 3. PDFs and later tried. Tuesday, December 1, AM.
User posted I have just tested by installing firefox and reader on server and I get the same problem. I have tried the PDF handler and it seems to work sometimes. Tuesday, December 1, PM. User posted Ok it was a long shot anyway. User posted I have open a case with Microsoft and am on the phone as I type this I will let you know. User posted if MS has an official fix for this, I would love to know. Please do post back what the results are after you are off the phone with MS.
User posted Ok I am starting to get some answers, it has to do with the byte range as stated before. So far the rep has stated that if I want to fix this server wide I need to make a http module that removes the "if-range" from all incoming requests.
I am not sure off all details and am waiting for a response from the rep. I will post more info as I get it. User posted This isn't aimed at you since i know this isn't your fault. But i think it's complete garbage that MS is saying we need to make a module. As far as i am concerned, they are the ones that broke this.
I hope they are at least not making you pay for the call. User posted and i hope they at least aren't making you pay for the call. User posted Thats a benefit of having a Technet subscription I get 2 incidents. User posted you shouldn't have to use any of them in my opinion since i consider this to be a bug on MS's side of things.
Wednesday, December 2, AM. User posted Microsoft is aware of this problem since at least 21 september 72 days old and still no correction yet. Microsoft should have detected this problem before W2K8R2 being gold in august. Wednesday, December 2, PM. User posted There is not even a QFE available after more than 2 months. User posted Two more posts and there will be items in this thread.
User posted StussyRedHat - did you hear anything further back from MS regarding a fix for this? User posted Well this doesnt sound good. User posted Thanks for the update StussyRedHat. Seems like a cop-out answer from MS to me. I think i'll do the same as you and use the pdf handler. User posted Here is the technical information. I got from the Rep. When a client makes a request of byte-ranges whose result is a single range, IIS does not include the media type in the response!
This seems to break Adobe-reader add-on. The IIS7. We have worked with them and they have confirmed that this is a bug in their code and that they will be fixing it. However since we cannot guarantee that the fix that they will be releasing could be on any client browser, we have been asked officially by Adobe to look into a server solution. But seriously - the bottom line is they made a change and something broke. Something i dont think is inconsequential either.
I would have hoped they could have come out with a fix by now. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Why should I install the Microsoft Download Manager? In this case, you will have to download the files individually.
You would have the opportunity to download individual files on the "Thank you for downloading" page after completing your download. Files larger than 1 GB may take much longer to download and might not download correctly. You might not be able to pause the active downloads or resume downloads that have failed.
IIS Details Note: There are multiple files available for this download. Once you click on the "Download" button, you will be prompted to select the files you need. The following section provides further video demonstrations and step-by-step guidance for troubleshooting errors in IIS 7. This article will help you diagnose and fix issues found while using remote management. This is based on frequently asked questions on the IIS.
The following video provides an overview of the new IIS 7. It includes demonstrations, non-administrator capabilities, and tips and tricks.