The future of the commons crottorf commoners free download

Santarius Zed Books, He has published some texts on the subjects of intellectual property and, more recently, collaborative production and the commons.

Other academic interests include philosophy of science and technology, marxism, democratization of communication and the publishing industry. Although right now focusing exclusively on the graduate studies, pursuing a professional career in the field of publishing.

He is also involved with access to knowledge through political activism. CTheory, October 2, Knowledge Politics, Volume 1 Issue 2 April , pp. Michel Bauwens , The social web and its social contracts.

How Does an Asian Commons Mean. Paper available from Prashant Iyengar. Thomas Paine , Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Agrarian Justice, with an introduction by Peter Linebaugh proposing to understand Paine through his commoning and anti-enclosure experiences.

Christian Siefkes , The Commons of the Future. Building Blocks for a Commons-based Society. Skip to main content. New to the commons? Videos and Podcasts My Back Pages Hermann Hatzfeldt on Sustainable Forestry During an afternoon break at the retreat, Hermann Hatzfeldt led the group on a walk through a forest preserve adjacent to Crottorf Castle.

The Global South and the Commons The commons has a special importance to people of the global South, many participants agreed. The document reads: Humankind is suffering from an unprecedented campaign of privatization and commodification of the most basic elements of life: nature, culture, human work and knowledge itself.

And the manifesto concludes: This Manifesto calls upon all citizens of the world to deepen the notion of the commons and to share the diverse approaches and experiences that it honors. The Dark Side of the Commons A number of participants proposed that the commons is not necessarily a wholesome, constructive force. The Future of the Commons: Unresolved Issues Needless to say, there are many unresolved issues in moving a commons agenda forward.

Appendix A: Retreat Participants Andoni Alonso, Madrid, Spain Michel Bauwens, Bangkok, Thailand, is an active writer, researcher and conference speaker on the subject of technology, culture and business innovation. Peter Linebaugh , The London Hanged. Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century. We did our best. The 1 year 4 months ago rediscovering "common" as the source of "individual" 1 year 7 months ago.

Blogroll Agrarian Commons. CommonsBlog Germany. The Commoner U. Commons Strategies Group. Commons Transition Plan. Creative Commons. Digital Library of the Commons. FreeLab Poland. Free Software Foundation. Global Commons Trust. Goteo Spain. Guerrilla Translation. Indigo Project Flanders. Int'l Assn for Study of Commons. Int'l Journal of the Commons. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.

Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. What venues or issues are most promising? Which people and organizations can help advance these goals?

Another key issue that deserves more attention: How can the commoners generate income for commons advocacy, networking and innovation? Funding for building commons infrastructure is much-needed and highly efficient. By leveraging the energies of the commoners, such people, using commons infrastructure, can unleash surprising amounts of social engagement and economic value.

It is no exaggeration to say that the three-day Crottorf retreat represented one of the most intensive and sophisticated dialogues about contemporary commons ever held.

It was distinguished by its diversity of perspectives from academics, activists and irregulars from many disciplines and policy arenas. Although many vexing issues remain, there was a consensus that the commons offers many attractive possibilities for those commoners wishing to confront the pathologies of neoliberal capitalism. It also offers the inspiration and legitimacy of history, and many successful models of commoning. This, truly, may be one of the most important contributions that the commons may make: helping us to learn new ways of knowing and being, and new ways of interacting with each other and with the Earth.

Politics and economics are not something that occur in a zone apart; they exist in our consciousness and culture. The commons speaks to all of these realms, and therefore offers some hopeful paths toward the future. He is the founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property.

He has been an analyst for the United States Information Agency, knowledge manager for British Petroleum, eBusiness Strategy Manager for Belgacom, as well as an internet entrepreneur in his home country of Belgium.

He has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentary Technocalyps with Frank Theys, and co-edited the two-volume book on anthropology of digital society with Salvino Salvaggio.

He has been resident in Berkeley since He is associated with Retort, a group of antinomian writers, artisans and artists based in the San Francisco Bay Area. No stone is left unturned.

The maggots exposed are grotesque. Areas of Special Interest: The social history of science, technics and medicine; luddism and anti-modernity; science and visual culture; commoning and communalism; language and the technics of communication. He pursues this work as an editor of Onthecommons.

Bollier is the author of three books on different aspects of the commons: Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Commons Wealth is a far-ranging survey of market enclosures of public lands, the airwaves, creativity, scientific knowledge, and much else. Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture documents the vast expansion of copyright and trademark law over the past generation at the expense of the public domain. And Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own describes the rise of free software, free culture, and the movements behind open business models, open science, open educational resources and new modes of Internet-enabled citizenship.

He has written many essays on social and political themes. As a teenager he participated in the revolutionary ferment of the the s Italian movimento and ever since cannot consider himself whole without some engagement in meaningful emancipatory projects.

His current research is centred on the relation between capitalist crises and commons. The Power of Peer Production Michel Bauwens of the Peer to Peer Foundation Bangkok, Thailand made a presentation about the self-organizing capacities of people on the Internet, often known as commons-based peer production.

Tomorrow: the rest of the report on the Crottorf retreat. We did our best. The 1 year 4 months ago rediscovering "common" as the source of "individual" 1 year 7 months ago. Blogroll Agrarian Commons. CommonsBlog Germany. The Commoner U. Commons Strategies Group. Commons Transition Plan.

Creative Commons. Digital Library of the Commons. FreeLab Poland. Free Software Foundation. Global Commons Trust. Goteo Spain. Guerrilla Translation. Indigo Project Flanders. Int'l Assn for Study of Commons. Int'l Journal of the Commons. Institute for Political Ecology Croatia. Institutions for Collective Action.

Journal of Peer Production. Keimform Germany. Knowledge Ecology Int'l. Kosmos Journal. LabGov Italy. Law for the Commons wiki. Lewis Hyde. New Economics Foundation. OER Commons. It is—choose your metaphor—a bracing slap across the face or the kiss that breaks an enchantment. In either case, after reading it, you will be much more alive to the world as it actually is, not as it exists in the sweaty dreams of ideologues and economics professors. This story is equal parts enlightening and encouraging, and it is entirely necessary for us to hear it.

Skip to main content. Bill McKibben. Commons Strategies. Community Life.


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