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Pandas is another python library that we will use. Finally, Pip is a very useful package manager to help you install things like Geopy and Pandas! If you do not have pip installed, you can download get-pip. To install Geopy and Pandas, open your command line using this lesson as a guideline if necessary and install the Geopy and Pandas libraries:. Note: We are installing numpy, python-dateutil, and pytz because pandas requires them.

Set the environmental variables to recognize python and pip from the command line:. In order to do so, the following command works:. To get started, open your text editor and save your blank document as a python script name it geocoder. For the first part of your Python script, you will want to import your libraries and your data:.

In the code above, we are importing the different Python libraries that we will need to use later on in our script. We import geopy, specifically the geopy. Since are using a comma separated values data format, we need to indicate that we are using a comma to split our data.

There are many other parameters you can use. Next, we anticipate that when we geocode the csv we will get points in the format of latitude, longitude. If we only want the latitude value of the point in a csv column, we will define a function to isolate that value.

The same can be done for our longitude value. Next, select the geolocator you want to use. You can also choose a different geolocator from the list found in the geopy documentation. GoogleV3 is a geocoder compatible with geopy, it is a reliable geolocator choice because of their large geographic data coverage. For more information about choosing geolocators, you can follow the discussion in the geopy repository on Github.

To use a geolocator, import them and assign a variable name in this case we use the name geolocator :. Once this is finished it will output a new CSV file with those two columns:. For instance, if we were again geocoding the CN Tower and used just.

Adding the additional. This is what your final python script should look like:. Do you have the script saved and ready to go? Run the script from your command line by typing:. It takes a few seconds and may take longer depending on the geolocator you use. Your code might look like this:. GeocoderTimedOut: Service timed out. To address the timeout error, you could add the parameter timeout , which specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for the geocoding service to respond before raising a geopy.

GeocoderTimedOut exception. So your geolocator declaration will look like this:. The easiest, recommended way is to use a UI tool developed by Mapbox called geojson. All you have to do is click and drag your csv file into the data window the right side of the screen, next to the map , and it will automatically format your data into GeoJSON for you. You can also do it from the command line, using the csv2geojson library that powers geojson. Test this data out by importing it again into geojson.

You should see points generated in the preview window. To make the results more accurate, save another copy of the census-historic-population-borough.

Make a copy of your geocoder. Remove the following lines:. Congress tabled the plan. Following the Declaration of Independence, the members of the Continental Congress realized it would be necessary to set up a national government.

Congress began to discuss the form this government would take on July 22, disagreeing on a number of issues, including whether representation and voting would be proportional or state-by-state. The disagreements delayed final discussions of confederation until October of By then, the British capture of Philadelphia had made the issue more urgent.

Delegates finally formulated the Articles of Confederation, in which they agreed to state-by-state voting and proportional state tax burdens based on land values, though they left the issue of state claims to western lands unresolved.

Congress sent the Articles to the states for ratification at the end of November. Most delegates realized that the Articles were a flawed compromise, but believed that it was better than an absence of formal national government.

On December 16, , Virginia was the first state to ratify. Other states ratified during the early months of The Articles required unanimous approval from the states. These smaller states wanted other states to relinquish their western land claims before they would ratify the Articles.

We can solve both problems by converting it into a dictionary, then printing out the dictionary in order from the most to the least commonly occurring item. Both strings and lists are sequentially ordered, which means that you can access their contents by using an index, a number that starts at 0.

If you have a list containing strings, you can use a pair of indexes to access first a particular string in the list, and then a particular character within that string.

Study the examples below. The dictionary is an unordered collection of objects. Study the following example. Dictionaries might be a bit confusing to a new programmer. Try to think of it like a language dictionary. Note that you use curly braces to define a dictionary, but square brackets to access things within it. The keys operation returns a list of keys that are defined in the dictionary.

Building on what we have so far, we want a function that can convert a list of words into a dictionary of word-frequency pairs. The only new command that we will need is dict , which makes a dictionary from a list of pairs. Copy the following and add it to the obo. We are also going to want a function that can sort a dictionary of word-frequency pairs by descending frequency. Copy this and add it to the obo.

We can now write a program which takes a URL and returns word-frequency pairs for the web page, sorted in order of descending frequency. Copy the following program into Komodo Edit, save it as html-to-freq. Study the program and its output carefully before continuing.

When we look at the output of our html-to-freq.


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