Aix 5.3 download iso

How can this be done? I have tried the mkdvd command from a smitty terminal, but it seems that mkdvd does not accept a filename, e. Mkdvd can be used for this. It will take the rootvg or a backup made with mksysb and will write it on the specified device. You should have a look at mkdvd , mksysb and savevg documentation before doing anything nasty on your server.. This needs some time.

But after all I had my image in the iso subdirectory. I went to another machine and burned the image to a DVD under linux. For testing I have shut down the AIX machine and replaced the existing harddisk with a another empty one. Then I booted up and followed the onscreen instruction for restoring from DVD. Everything went fine. Just lay back and wait Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? The management decided not to extend the warranty, so we are left with a server that we cannot upgrade immediately. I was wondering if we could set up VMware install options. I project to install : 1 a Vmware 2 a serveur aix 3 a redhat server Virtualization and Cloud Computing. Unable to install ubuntu on vmware server. Hi I have downloaded vmware server 1.

Installed vmware server on my windows xp and created the disk space for Ubuntu. Now when i am running the virtual machine using the above downloaded iso image, I get the installation window.

I selected 'Install Ubuntu' option and Some members asked about this way, click Here u will find what u want 1 Reply. Would it be possible to install AIX ver 4. Is there anything special that i would have to do? Thanks Frank 1 Reply. RedHat Commands. OpenSolaris Commands. Linux Commands. SunOS Commands. FreeBSD Commands. Full Man Repository. Show Posts. Aix download and Install. Registered User.

Join Date: Dec I am new to Aix and would like to learn. Is there is some free download for this os available to be installed on a home desktop pc with 4 gb ram and 2. Thank you in advance. Join Date: Jul Find all posts by DukeNuke2. Join Date: Aug Version 5. Shell Programming and Scripting. Steps to download and install UNIX in windows7 32 bit. Can anyone tell the steps to download and install unix OS in windows 7 32 bit. I want to install unix and practice commands there.

Any version is ok 4 Replies.


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